Hard Sun

The world is 5 years from an environmental disaster that will wipe out humanity forever. Only those on the inside know this secret, until two coppers stumble on the evidence. Do they keep quiet? Do they speak out?

Positioning the creative strategy on this impossible dilemma, I devised a campaign filled with apocalyptic stunts that spoke to an audience for whom climate change is front of mind.

  • Produced a live apocalyptic weather forecast broadcast by Carol Kirkwood on BBC Breakfast (sparking immediate press coverage) to an audience of over 6 million slightly panicked viewers. Recently replicated by a certain streaming service…

  • ‘Leaked’ the top secret Hard Sun dossier via the BBC’s email channels, flooding the inboxes of over a million people nationwide. The leaked newsletter delivered the then highest open and engagement rates

  • Created high-intensity teasers, launch trails and social activity which roadblocked BBC One’s winter schedule and drove impressive engagement scores

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Aardmann x BBC Christmas brand idents


The Serpent